
I am Anja-Lisa, a designer-researcher interested in exploring design as a means for engaging, educating and skilling people in alternative, local and more sustainable modes of production and consumption.

Further, I have a deep passion for sustainable and responsible design and since my Bachelorstudies I have been fascinated about the positive impact that design can have on our behaviour. Therefore I strongly believe that designer’s creativity is a great tool to foster sustainable development.

I hold a BA in Media Design and an MA in Creative Sustainability. In my doctoral research, I explored matters of skillful participation in relation to the designers’ role, and the social and material changes which occur in alternative spaces of peer production when diverse people make clothes together.

For those interested in reading more, you can download my dissertation here.

In design projects I look out to combine my client’s visions with sustainable design principles. I belive, that a sustainable design approach should balance user and/or client needs and satisfaction with meeting social, ecological and economical goals. I aim to reach this high aim through working in close collaboration with the users while creating together well-defined briefings for  long-term goals.

I am very open-minded, engaged and active in many areas of design and beyond. Therefore, please feel free to contact me for any exciting projects you would like me to contribute. Looking forward!
